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  • #48858
    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    There are no other options that aren’t listed in the manual. May I ask what other access you want to give to the user you want to keep out of the processing screen?

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    You can try using scenes for that. With recall filters, block everything but CH processing.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Setup screen, Audio tab and set Output AFL to OFF. Now you can use PAFL to monitor the LR Mix and the mute key will only affect your Mains.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    The following Copy/Reset is supported:
    + Input strip Sel key = HPF, Gate, PEQ, Comp, Delay
    + Mix strip Sel key = PEQ, GEQ, Comp, Delay
    + Master Mix key = Send levels, Pans, Assign
    + Preamp USB key = Preamp only
    + HPF In key = HPF only
    + PEQ In key = PEQ only
    + Gate In key = Gate only
    + Comp In key = Compressor only
    + Fader Flip key = GEQ
    + touch Scene item in list = Scene contents

    Taken from the manual (AP9372 iss.5) page 38

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Use the button with the USB symbol over the preamp knob to copy it’s setting and paste to the Sel button of the desired channel.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    You can’t unlink the sends without unlinking everything.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    It is normal. The manual does mention that you need to save your current settings before loading a new show file.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Alors dans ton cas tu peux considerer d’utiliser un des 4 groupes mute. Tu devras y assigner le groupe de submix et les CH. Ou un des DCA ave les CH..

    So in your case, maybe you can consider using a mute group. Assign the channels and the submix group you want to mute. Or a DCA? Just need to assign the channels you want to mute.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Je t’avais répondu sur un autre post. Un group n’est pas comme un DCA. Lorsqu’on mute un groupe, ce n’est pas comme si on faisait mute sur chacun des channels. Le signal peu encore etre envoyé ailleur comme dans le mix LR par example ou dans les retours

    Lorsque tu utilises un effet, techniquement, on ne met pas un effet sur le signal. On envoi une copie du signal dans un effet. Donc tu as 2 copy signal maintenant. 1 dans ton groupe et un qui va dans l’effet (ton wet qui revient dans FX1 Ret). Ton Effet lui n’est pas assigné au groupe. Seulement ton CH1.

    Pour faire ce que tu veux, tu dois aussi assigner l’effet au groupe (FX1 Ret par example) et l’enlever du LR comme tu as fait pour tes CH1 et CH2.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    I answered that in another post. A group is NOT a DCA. If I take you example, the mute on the group is not like muting CH1 and CH2. That’s why you can usually hear them when they are assigned to LR as well. So muting a group don’t mute the channel. It mutes the group.

    When you use FX, you are not puting an FX to a channel. You are sending a copy of the signal of the channel to the FX (the FX is like another group/mix). So the FX (your wet signal) is not assigned to the group. Your wet is still assigned to LR. It is important to understand the signal path.

    So you actually have 2 copy of each signal. One going to the group and one going to the FX.

    Now to do what you want :

    Remove FX1 Ret and FX2 Ret from LR and assign it to the group (as you did with CH1 and CH2). Now muting the group will also mute your FX.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    C’est normal. Le mute du sous groupe est placé après l’affectations un effet (fx sends). Pour mieux comprendre le chemin du signal de la console, regarde les dernières pages du manuel (block diagram).

    It is if it’s a normal group. It wouldn’t be normal if it was a DCA. When you mute a group, it’s not the same thing as muting all the CHs assigned to it. To understand the signal path better take a look at the block diagram. You’ll notice that the group mute is after the fx sends

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    No Mackie control on PC. In Cubase, Devices, Device setup, Add a Remote Device and select Generic Remote. From there you can make Cubase “learn” the console and assign the commands. Make sure you checked the “learn” box. Check this video for more details if you don’t know what to do from there.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Ok it works but I’m wondering why do you want to do it that way. I mean, a good router next to the mixer gets the job done and you still only have one cable to run to the stage and need less gears = less potential problems. The only advantage I see is more data connection if you need them on the stage.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Do you really need that much gain? I mean +40….is it even possible to get it as high? Anyway, like Bob said, of course it will buzz if there<s nothing at the end. And what type of cable are you using? By the way, you should start a new thread for you question.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOST

    Yes you can stream a lot more channels from the back but there is no writing involved when you stream from the PC. And not every PC would be able to record let’s say 30 tracks at the same time and a PC has an advantage over the console because of the amount of RAM available that it can use as a buffer. Without a proper buffer size, your hardware needs to be able to write at a higher sustained rate.

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