ZED i 10 USB output “track” routing

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  • #124789
    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    I think I know the answer… but is there a way to “repatch” the output tracks on the ZED i series.
    Moving the main Left Right mix to tracks 1 & 2 would be handy and some software only see those.

    I know if could be dome with some external jumpers, but looking for cleaner option

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    @Mike C

    Not really – the different options for USB out are achieved with analogue/hardware switches, which affect USB outputs 3&4 on the ZEDi-10 and ZEDi-10FX.
    On Windows, with the driver installed, there are two stereo devices (+ 4x mono) presented for use with any app, and via ASIO and a DAW you can generally route as you like.
    On Mac some apps will see the first two channels as stereo and then the rest summed to mono.
    There are work-arounds using software like Jack audio to repatch in this case, but it’s not really cleaner as it takes quite a bit of setting up.

    If you want to explore this further, please contact us through support.allen-heath.com


    Profile photo of Mike CMike C


    Thanks for getting back with me. This would be for use with a Mac Book used for live streaming and the streaming software only sees the first two tracks/channels.
    Now using a ZED 10 and it works perfect.

    I get some time and see what “Jack Audio” is about.

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