This is probably a very basic question. My apologies. I have a A&H ZED 16FX. ! want to do 3 separate mixs off the board. Fine with Aux1 and Aux2 which are pre-fader. Aux3 is post-fader and fader adjustment also affects the L/R volume. Is there a way to isolate the Aux3 post-fader monitor send from the L/R volume? Or is there another method of using Aux3 for monitor send?
According to the block diagram, it is actually relatively easy to change the source point of your Aux 3 to pre-fader for all mono inputs, as A&H has provided a solderable option for this (see image).
If you have experience in soldering on circuit boards, you could carry out this “firmware update” yourself, or ask a specialist to do it.
SQuser – thank you for the quick reply. Your suggestion is a bit out of my wheelhouse. Also the board is a donated one to a society space, so would rather not muck with it. Perhaps there is another less invasive solution? Otherwise I would just provide two mixes.
There won’t be any other option than the one already provided by A&H.
But as far as the number of independent mixes you want is concerned, with Aux 1, Aux 2 and LR you already have 3.