To answer your question about why there is a dedicated USB<>Local/dSnake key – it’s for virtual soundcheck and studio applications.
The idea being that you’ve set up your Qu to use either local or remote sockets for the show/venue/session and then you need a way to quickly switch between the ‘live’ inputs and recorded multitracks.
This is especially useful in a studio setup and using the desk for monitoring mixes, as you need a way when overdubbing to have most inputs using the recorded tracks and only the channel you’re recording being switched to the ‘live’ source.
All without changing the processing or mix in any way.
For switching between local and remote inputs, it’s presumed you are using different sources and therefore have a different mix, so as Giga says, the quickest way to switch is with different scenes (with or without scene filters if you don’t want to change everything).