Why no hi-pass on Mix 1-10 (couldn't find answer)

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    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Ok, Ghost. Then let me clarify myself: All HPFs you’ll find in a mixer have a slope.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    But I agree that’s not the mixer what should supply low freq protection to the speakers.

    Profile photo of BLKGHOSTBLKGHOST

    Look I’m not trying to be a smart ass or anything. My whole point was just that it’s not something that I’m expecting from a mixer. The Qu have plenty of processing power left and I’d prefer to see more useful features like multi-band compression, side chains or dynamic EQ. Sorry if you felt offended in anyway. I feel that things are getting out of hand.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    What, like all these people asking for features like side chain before HPF for output protection 😉

    Seriously – they’re both useful, but there isn’t really a “one is better” and without some sort of official word on any of them, and or any method of collating/viewing the community levels of support for a given feature it’s rather hard to draw any conclusions about the requests being made…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Ghost, no offense taken and none intended. I understand your point of view, and I agree: protection is not the mixer’s job.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I would like high pass filters on mix outputs
    However that’s not top on my list

    Just like all fold back mix EQu’s in “live sound” and for the past 30 years
    people (techs’, sound guys) roll of the bottom end on graphic EQs’
    Especially if you are the one that own the equipment.
    Ive seen the highest of end bands with some shocking EQu’s cut 15db up to sometimes 150hz.
    You do whatever you have to do to rid bottom end or mud on stage.
    Sure you might not do that with a key board player.
    The in ear monitoring is changing this scenario.

    Why no hi-pass on Mix 1-10 (couldn’t find answer)

    I would like them on the mix outputs including the FOH as I drive Subs from AUX 9/10
    And I use the that EQ in a very constructive way (low band pass) to get the result I want. Sure technically there may be incorrectness in phases issues.

    Feature requests would be in to helping the pc DAW guys.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I would like to see the HPF on the Mix outs, it would be very continent for monitors on simple shows. The knob is there so if the DSP is available add it and give me back my Low parametric filter back! 🙂

    Profile photo of ian.hindian.hind

    All the bickering and fighting over this is ridiculous.

    A digital mixer is “supposedly” taking care of what racks of equipment previously did.

    Any monitor feed from an AUX is ran through a GEQ, most GEQ’s also have a HPF.

    Unless a monitor feed is being bi-amped, a crossover isn’t necessary.

    QU is eliminating the need for a rack of GEQ’s on Main’s and AUX sends, so why not add 1 small feature which goes hand in hand with it?

    It’s pretty standard to have HPF on your AUX, so back to the question… Is there a reason it wasn’t included?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    There is no bickering and fighting? Just discussion?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I would expect the high and low pass filters in PEQ, so anybody can use them,
    but nobody has to…

    Look I’m not trying to be a smart ass or anything. My whole point was just that it’s not something that I’m expecting from a mixer. The Qu have plenty of processing power left and I’d prefer to see more useful features like multi-band compression, side chains or dynamic EQ.

    What is more useful than a high pass filter?

    A desser is on my list…

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    The Qu have plenty of processing power left

    I’d prefer not to speculate on available resources left.

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