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  • #46604
    Profile photo of johnjohn

    Thank for all the comments – Please do make a note of the temp in the rack during /after your show… You’d think A&H thought about the ventilation, but I’m all about being proactive with these sorts of things. However, I really don’t want to bring more gear or hook up more things than necessary – so if a fan is unnecessary i’d be a happy camper… I supposed I could always skip the rack, but having a rack sure seems like a really good thing to have…

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Plus they designed it as a rack mount.

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    Just on a break, DAC running at 60c at the moment. Back case noticeably cooler to the touch.
    As George said, they’re designed to be rack mounted so I might be wrapping it a little in cotton wool! That said, this rack is pretty closed compared to the one in their promo material.
    A&H being who they are haven’t left this to chance. I think my fan is just new parent syndrome 🙂
    I’ve a four year old MBP that’ll run up to 98c on the CPUs when rendering video and it still runs like clockwork 🙂

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    It’s odd they didn’t put a fan in the QU-PAC. They put fans in about everything else.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    The fan in AR0804 are a little loud when they get hot. 1 rack space!
    They turn on when the system gets a little warm.

    I suppose their marketing strategy is the QU can be silent to in the theater environment.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    I battle fan noise from projectors and moving head lights. Those can be a nightmare. Nothing like any audio console I have ever heard.

    Profile photo of dpdandpdan

    aren’t those moving lights ridiculous?


    Profile photo of dickiefunkdickiefunk

    I’m interested in the QU-PAC aswell. I already own a QU16 which I love and with the latest firmware update the iPad app has really moved forward in terms of features.
    However, some of the gigs I do have extremely small stages and floor space is really tight. My QU16 has narrowly escaped being stepped on a few times. Also, when my small van is fully loaded I can’t fit the QU16 in the back so it takes up the front passenger seat which isn’t ideal.
    At the moment I’m mainly using the iPad app. The faders tend to only get used by musicians who like to go up to the desk and mix their individual IEM mixes. I also use the QU16 for occasional location classical recordings and having faders for this job are extremely quick and efficient to adjust mixes in the studio monitors.
    I would need to sell the QU16 to fund the QU-PAC and I’m a little nervous with going faderless! Would the QU-PAC fit a rack bag? It would also be useful for the QU-PAC to have a wireless dongle for some of the small acoustic gigs I provide pa for. These gigs tend to be in very small venues with audiences of around 30-40 people and I would hope that a wifi dongle would be adequate and less clumsy on stage for these type of gigs?

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    Just completed my second weekend with the Qu-pac and all is well 🙂
    Before v1.7 came out I had reservations about the usability of the app, no such worries now!
    Ultimately faders will be faster in most situations but the difference now is an awful lot smaller.
    As is the footprint on stage, there are plenty of shallow rack options out there. Conservatively I would say my racked qu-pac takes up 1/3 or even 1/4 the space of a flightcased qu-16.
    Regarding a wifi dongle, I use an airport express and it takes up next to no space. I will fit easily in any case/bag/rack with the qu-pac and give great results.
    Having qu-you will keep your musos happy regarding monitor mixing, especially with an Android version on the horizon.

    Profile photo of dickiefunkdickiefunk

    Thanks for sharing your experience with the QU-PAC. Yes the new 1.7 update has made a big difference!
    If I end up changing to the QU-PAC would it fit one of these rack cases?


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    From your link:

    Internal Dimensions
    Width: 485mm
    Depth: 260mm
    Height: 190mm

    From the QuPac Tech Spec sheet:
    Rsck Mounted: 483*174*181

    Since every dimension is smaller it will fit…

    Profile photo of robbocurryrobbocurry

    Looks like that case would fit, great price too 🙂
    Check out this solid alternative on eBay.co.uk
    Item number 381221449020

    Btw, a really good clamp/mic stand holder for the iPad makes life so much easier. I got a Proel one from eBay for £24.99, I plan to get a second one. Very flexible and should be possible to put two iPads together nicely for bigger gigs 🙂

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman


    The front of the Qu-pac (when rack mounted) appears to stick out some way past the rack strip, because of the angle. Can’t find any actual measurement for that distance on the Qu anywhere. From the photos of that Gear4Music case there may not be enough room to close the “lid” properly.

    I’ve actually just ordered the case as it looks to be exactly what I want for something else, so should be able to post measurements of that in a day or two in you like.

    Profile photo of dickiefunkdickiefunk

    Yes that would be great. Thanks

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Plenty of spare depth so you could just use some spacers…

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