Waves 3 – 2 card compatibility

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    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    I’m thinking about adding a Waves2 card to our kit for digital splits on iLive/GLD from dLive, but wondering what the compatibility is there? Obviously the Waves 3 card outputs natively at 96k, the Waves 2 card at 48k, do I need to run the dLive at 48k internally in order to use Waves as a split? It’d be a pity to lose the headroom 🙁
    I already have a Dante card (and a letterbox), so could just go that way, but I do like Waves as a format…

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Adam,

    You can set the sample rate of the Waves 3 card to 48k.
    dLive always runs at 96k internally. The SRC happens on the I/O Port card or adapter.

    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    Ok cool, good to know – thanks Nicola

    Profile photo of tortor

    @Nicola, I was told by waves support on numerous occasions that SRC with Waves V3 card was not supported?! I had a bunch of clocking issues, which where basically mismatch of firmware, and a poor poor piece of programming from Waves’ side. Their soundgrid software is so full of bugs, it’s unreal. But they will make sure to let you know its not their software, always user error/wrong clocking/wrong switches etc etc. They dont even keep a list of known bugs, it’s complete amateur hour compared to the always friendly and openminded support from A&H.

    As for SRC I kept asking waves support why there was a 48khz option on the Waves V3 preferences, but was basically just told off as if I was a hopeless rookie – but it seems they got it wrong… again… (?)

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    @tor, there was an issue with 48k in the Waves card firmware. This was resolved with firmware V1.13.16 which is now bundled with the A&H Waves package in Waves Central. Hopefully this update can fix the problems you have been experiencing.

    Profile photo of tortor

    Good to know! For what I have been using it for, 48khz would be sufficient most of the time. Great!

    While on the subject of Waves V3, am I right to assume that 2 dLive racks with Waves V3 in both, can send and receive digital split/channels without having to connect a Soundgrid controller on a separate computer? Digico can apparently not do any kind of routing between desks, without Multirack Soundgrid or SG Studio setting up and maintaining the patching.

    Profile photo of BiggsoundsBiggsounds

    Tor I believe once the routing is established it will lock on connection, as long as the configuration doesn’t change? So you need it for setup, but not operation (same as Dante)

    Profile photo of tortor

    Hmm… I am not sure that is correct. You can use Dante without having anything connected but the surfaces, it is just and I/O card and can be routed to and from, as long as everything is in sync with each other. Each Dante card has its own controller to handle connections and patch.

    The waves protocol however, is not able to sync without Multirack og SG studio telling all devices how to sync, and setting up all connections/patch. On a digico a digital split will not work without a constant Soundgrid computer maintaining connections, only the integrated Multirack works embedded on the console. But I assumed this was not the case for the A&H Waves V3 in dLive racks and surfaces, as sync can be setup from the console itself. Nicola, can you enlighten us?

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Tor I believe once the routing is established it will lock on connection, as long as the configuration doesn’t change? So you need it for setup, but not operation (same as Dante)

    No, any Waves SoundGrid patch requires the SoundGrid Studio or Multirack application to be running at all times.

    Profile photo of tortor

    Also between to dLive racks with Waves V3 cards?

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