GLD V1.41 firmware release

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD general discussions GLD V1.41 firmware release

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  • #39750
    Profile photo of antonyjaantonyja

    V1.41 firmware and GLD Editor have been released. This is a maintenance release (please see the release notes for further details).
    Find out more on our main website.

    A Jackson
    Software Manager
    Allen and Heath

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I receive a 502 Bad Gateway error when I try to visit the main Allen and Heath website.

    Profile photo of SimonSimon

    Hi Tom.

    We’ve had an ongoing issue with our website showing a 502 bad gateway error for a small amount of users.

    You can resolve the problem in your browser by deleting the specific cookie for and clearing your cache.

    Simon, A&H

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thanks Simon, all resolved.

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