Using Director (or OneMix) with PFL

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  • #71064
    Profile photo of RobRob

    I’d like to use Director on a PC or Laptop and/or OneMix on an Ipad to control a couple of Pre-Fade Auxes feeding alternate rooms. I do that now with no issues, but I’d like to be able to use PFL functionality. I have created 2 additional PFL busses and have them assigned to open outputs that are connected to respective headphone amps, but can I assign each surface and/or Director instance to use a different PFL buss when solo-ing a channel?


    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Rob,

    Yes you can. Select the PAFL bus number for each Surface / Director in the Surface / Audio / PAFL screen. Director must connect to the MixRack only (not MixRack and Surface) in order to have its independent PAFL assignment.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    good to know

    Profile photo of RobRob



    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I didn’t realize there was a thread about this already, and started a new one. I’ll ask here…

    If a person is using OneMix to control their own monitor mix, can they PFL a channel and hear it in their mix. e.g. if they are listening to Mix 1/2 and they PFL a channel in OneMix, will they hear it in Mix 1/2 or will it only send to a PFL bus?
    I guess if the PFL can only be assigned to a different bus, I guess using the new firmware you can route that PFL into the Mix? or the Mix into the PFL? Which way would mute the mix when you PFL a channel on OneMix?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    One mix is not made for PFL listening… it’s for one mix at a time

    Profile photo of JayJay

    What you’re requesting is solo-in-place for a given mix, not necessarily PFL. The ME1 has it and I know my drummer uses it when he is checking his mix.

    Today, there are no SIP capabilities in dLive. However, for OneMix, simply issuing necessary mute commands for everything else on the mix bus shouldn’t be that hard if they wanted to implement it, the only risk being if solo was left engaged and the device disconnected.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    That’s strange that this wouldn’t have been implemented. I’m sure it would be common for musicians to want to be able to solo their own channels.

    Ok, I’m thinking there might be a work-around. Let’s take this step by step…

    1. Can each musician have their own PAFL bus? I’d heard you can have multiple PAFL buses on the dLive…
    2. Can each musician solo their channels in OneMix and have it show up on their dedicated PAFL bus?
    2. I know with the latest firmware, you can route mixes into a PAFL bus. Can it route to ANY of the PAFL buses if you have one for each musician?
    3. Is there a way that the mix that’s routed into the musician’s PAFL bus can be made to mute when they solo a channel?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I don’t understand why any musician should be able to solo any channels…

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    I aggree with you Steffen. I also see no practical need for a separated PAFL bus. But maybe there is a possible solution within the App itself. It can somehow emulate the solo function by muting all other channels on the selected mixbus temporary when pressing solo on an channel, or maybe it would even be better not to mute the others but dim them by a configurable level. (In fact a feature I would love also for standard PAFL btw.)

    Profile photo of JayJay

    Having a drummer on an ME1, I can completely see the use of solo, but it shouldn’t be a PAFL bus and handled in software as best possible.

    During shows, he may use it to hear just what he needs for a cue, but not a normal use case.

    During rehearsals learning new material, he uses it quite a bit to check level/balance between a lot of different inputs – 2 electric guitars, 2 acoustic, sync, vocals, bass, bass synth, click, sample track and stems. Much faster than trying to guess where something is coming from, especially if it is from samples or stems where he can’t actually see a person.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Tons of reasons to have PFL for a musician. Tuning his instrument while in a scene where the channel is off, for backline techs who need to hear different instruments throughout the show, for people practicing without disturbing others (if their channels are off on the console), musical directors wanting to solo up specific instruments to hear how people are doing, people soloing a mic they don’t have in their mix (like a talkback or audience mic) – there’s lots of reasons!
    But let’s not get into that discussion, just believe me there’s a real need.

    What I would love is if someone were able to answer the 4 questions I posed?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Oh, BTW, not looking for SIP at all, definitely PFL functions that operate even when a channel is muted.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Does anyone know?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Anyone from A&H able to comment on this?

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