Users, musicians and OneMix

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD troubleshooting Users, musicians and OneMix

  • This topic has 11 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by Profile photo of Anonymous.
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  • #37273
    Profile photo of VolumVolum

    Let me see if I have got this right:

    If a musician wants to control his own monitor-mix, he/she needs to be setup as a “user” on the GLD80?

    There are max 10 users… And different user-profiles are not stored in showfiles..?

    How the heck do I solve this when having let’s say three (or ten) different bands with five musicians each, and they all want their own ipad-control of their mix?

    Hopefully there is something that I am missing here…
    And I can not delete users either.

    Oh, and when setting up a musicians iPad for adjusting ie aux 5, according to what i can tell i need to log on as an “admin” from that musicians iPad first to give him/her the right aux master, and then setup a separate user login??

    No, this was MUCH easier when running the Presonus! And the video of the OnMix app tells you nothing about this… Anyone know where I can find a detailed description of “how to add musicians ipad for controlling their monitors”?

    Thanks guys πŸ™‚

    Profile photo of caseymglasscaseymglass

    Yes, this needs a lot of work and is not intuitive. I would say it is probably not workable if you have to set up a bunch of users at once. Here are the answers to your questions:

    1. You only need one user profile on the Gld for ALL OneMix users. This is simply to prevent someone else from logging in and screwing things up. For example I have one user “OneMix” with a simple but not obvious password. All my OneMix users log in with that profile.

    2. To set up OneMix for the user you have to log in -on their iPad- as Admin and then set up the iPad with the aux and faders you want them to have. Then log out and have them log in as the OneMix user and they will have the setup you gave them.

    3. There is currently no way to have multiple different OneMix setups on one iPad or to set up many iPads ahead of time. This is a major problem.

    Profile photo of VolumVolum

    Ahh… Thanks for your help.

    1. First off i changed one of the users name to “OneMix”, so that i have the permissions set. I disabled everything in there, so hopefully they will now only have access to the mix and master for their respective Aux-mix. Set a password for this.

    2. This is where i feel A&H has gone wrong, again compared to the Presonus. When logging on as “Admin” on the musicians iPad, they will still have the possibility to log in as “Admin” at a later time, and screw up my mix because the iPad will remember the login details, right? Not good πŸ™‚

    And: setting it up this way is a hassle. On the Presonus they can just log their iPads on to your network, then they will come up in the “setup” where you easily can give each iPad/iPhone permission to ex aux 5, aux 6, and so on. It only takes a few seconds…

    3. For my use (working with a lot of different bands) it was more the thought on having all these users (and not enough user profiles on the desk) that struck me as worrying. But as you say: This is a major problem.

    Thanks again. I am in the process of reconfiguring my mixer due to a possible corrupt showfile made on my previous one, which by the way was found to be beyond repair, so you made my programming and first meet with the musicians thursday a little easier! πŸ™‚

    I still hope the A&H crew in the future will give us more than 2 seconds delay on the internal FX, a couple of multiband compressors, a “home”-button (function) that clears all PAFL, SEL and MIX settings, and last but not least: the possibility of the screen going directly to the PEQ function when adjusting one of the EQ-buttons, and likewise for comp, gate, preamp and HPF. Then I would be a happy camper! Do you read this, Allen & Heath? πŸ™‚

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Volum,

    In regard to your last post, please note:

    1. GLD user permissions affect mixer operation only, they don’t apply to OneMix users, GLD Remote or GLD Editor. OneMix permissions are set per layer within the app. The reason for having a separate user for the OneMix app is simply to prevent users logging in as Admin on the iPad.

    2. To log in as Admin on the iPad you will need the Admin password as set on the mixer. Musicians will log in with the separate ‘OneMix’ profile (with or without password).

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of VolumVolum

    Hi Nicola, and thanks for your response.

    So, are you saying that there is no reason to deactivate all the settings in the “OneMix” user setting on the GLD then?

    Regarding logging in from the musicians iPad:
    After I do that (use their iPad to log on as an admin) to set up their respective aux, they will still have the possibility of logging in as an admin to the GLD, because the login information is kept in the iPad… Or am I missing something? At least that’s how I’ve seen the iPads work until now, and that’s a little worrying πŸ™‚

    Og course I can change the password for the “Admin” user on the mixer on every gig, but who does that..? Personally i don’t even use a password for the “Admin”, because I am the only one using the mixer. But my WiFi is encrypted, of course.

    A video of the setup procedure (or a manual describing it in detail) I think would be highly appreciated.

    PS: Since you are a member of the A&H-team; Any hope for my other requests in a future firmware update? πŸ™‚

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    So, are you saying that there is no reason to deactivate all the settings in the β€œOneMix” user setting on the GLD then?


    they will still have the possibility of logging in as an admin to the GLD, because the login information is kept in the iPad

    No, the iPad will automatically connect to the wifi network, but every time you launch OneMix it will prompt the user to choose a user profile and enter the password (if one is set).

    Any hope for my other requests in a future firmware update?

    As I said in a number of threads, yes we read the forums, and all suggestions are logged in and discussed, but we don’t commit to features beforehand.

    Profile photo of VolumVolum


    You wrote

    “No, the iPad will automatically connect to the wifi network, but every time you launch OneMix it will prompt the user to choose a user profile and enter the password (if one is set).”

    This is where things have gone wrong for me in the past, but that may be because i had both users setup separately (as two users), on the GLD. Then both of them could connect to both “Admin” and their own user-profile after I set up their iPads…
    I will try the way you explained this weekend. Hopefully it works better then! πŸ™‚

    I know you are not allowed to reveal any new features, but your “job” is to keep the secrets, ours is to nag πŸ˜‰


    Profile photo of caseymglasscaseymglass

    Regarding restrictions on the console – probably still good to have them so that it prevents users from logging onto the console and screwing it up.

    Regarding remembering passwords: I’m not sure if this might have been a bug. At least on my iPad and those I’ve worked on it consistently asks for the password every time you go to login.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    If you need a lot of individual mixes, I would strongly recommend taking a look at picking up some ME-500s or ME-1s. No user accounts on the mixer are needed for them to work, and they work really well for the musicians.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR


    this was an old thread from 2014 with an unresolved spam post added

    Profile photo of Anonymous

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