user control

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu feature suggestions user control

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  • #90326
    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer

    Add more options to selecting what a user can do.
    Add more users like the SQ has.

    Profile photo of garyhgaryh

    There’s one feature request that I would like to see, have an option for the board to default to the custom layer whenever you turn it on. The board defaulting to the lower, channel inputs, layer has bitten me several times when I forget to switch to the custom layer before I do anything else. I know the basic user can be set to the have the custom layer start up, but why not the other users too? Or at least to start in the layer that was on when you last turned off the board.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    you can select the user layer only mode…

    Profile photo of garyhgaryh

    But I don’t want to restrict access to the other layers when need, just be able to select which layer to startup on, or default to the layer active when last shut down.

    Profile photo of GeddonArchonGeddonArchon

    I would like this too. I’m amazed it was never fixed with a firmware update. the board saves the state of every single thing other than the layer setting?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    In the custom layer set up menu there is an option to select custom layer
    only. When that is selected the mixer will boot to the custom layer.

    However to access the other layers you do need to jump to that menu and
    turn off that option.

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