Use AR2412 outputs as extra inputs?

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  • #86970
    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    Hi guys and girls,

    on an analog multicore I can easily convert outputs to inputs using XLR adaptors on both sides of the snake. Wouldn´t it be great to be able to do the same on the AR2412? Most of the time I have 4 outs for Monitor and 2 for the LR. That would leave me 6 additional inputs, it they where assignable as inputs…easy in the analog world – hard to programm in digital? Maybe the SLink protocol doesn´t allow such things…

    Profile photo of ShowtimeShowtime

    Buy an ab168 and you have inputs enough.

    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    Yeah, I could also buy a GX 4824, use the giga ACE card and have multiple DX168…plenty of options. The issue is money. And I am married. 🙂
    An XLR Adaptor costs me €7,90.

    You don´t think that it would be great, if we all had the option to convert inputs to outputs and vice verse? A bit like the AUX/GROUP options: 24/12 could be changed to 26/10 or 30/6…

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    „Behind“ the XLR input sockets there are AD converter and behind the Output sockets there ad DA converter in the Stagebox. You can‘t change a DA converter to a AD converter. Thats impossible. So forget the idea.

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Andre,

    This is not possible on any of our I/O expanders.

    The reason being is that the input preamp, output circuit and the AD/DA is actually in the stage box, so you aren’t using the hardware in the console like you would be in an analogue system.

    For this to be possible in the digital world, you would need a circuit for every possible input and output, along with the converters, so this would actually double to cost of an expander as there is double the hardware.

    I hope this makes sense!


    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    Oh, right. The convters…I didn´t think about them. Ok, I´ll burry my hopes in grief!

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