USBPLAY how many titles

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    Profile photo of Anonymous


    how many titles can be placed in the directory USBPLAY
    when i place 34 titles, everything works.
    when i place more than that, the qu16 won’t read the stick anymore.

    is this normal ?

    Profile photo of HawkHawk

    I have about ten with no problem but I found some of my 16bit wave files cut off 3 seconds earlier before the ending when playing.

    Profile photo of GR-PDXGR-PDX

    Hijack, but precedented: I thought I was imagining that “cuts off the end on playback” behavior. I hear it too. Seems to be a bug.

    To the OP, I only have 6 stereo tracks on that drive, not >34.

    Profile photo of BillCBillC


    I just received my QU-24 and have noticed the issues Hawk and GR-PDX are experiencing, cutting off the last 3 seconds of stereo play back. All tracks (21). 44.1 kHz, 1411 kbps. Tracks play fine from my desk top.

    Is there any resolution for this?


    Profile photo of LKYLKY


    Try converting the file to the native format…48k 24bit…

    Don’t know thier software, but from the description it’s a non flushed cache…

    File is being converted (I assume) from 44.1 to 48k….as it loads there is needed a cache/buffer to store a few seconds for the converter…then when it comes to the end of the file…the converter stops, being done…and most likely isn’t continuing to stream the data left in the buffer…

    Now, I don’t know thier code so I may be wrong…but I’ve seen this many time in DIgital Media, and audio chanes requiring processing…

    Profile photo of mumawumumawu

    I have communicated the problem with to many files to the support. They told me it is a bug and it will be solved in the next firmware update.

    Profile photo of BillCBillC

    Hey guys, thanks for the reply’s.

    I converted the WAV files to 48k, 24bit, system still cuts off the last 3 seconds. I had also noticed a clicking sound when stopping or skipping tracks, changing the file format seems to have fixed that…

    Profile photo of LKYLKY


    Glad the clicks are gone…

    Sucks on the last 3 seconds…

    I guess you could add three seconds to the end of each file…till its fixed…

    Or, use an external player…

    I use one of my kaleidescape systems for bumper audio…I’ve got about 150k tracks on there…

    Profile photo of BillCBillC


    Holy cow, 150k tracks, now that’s a library!

    I will send an official support request to A&H and see what happens. Not the end of the world, for now these tracks are for my system setup at shows, but having this available for a BGM source would be convenient. I also like the idea of taking a digital track straight into the board.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi all,

    We have replicated the issue with the last 3 seconds, this will be fixed in the next firmware release.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thank you.

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