USB y Auriculares

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  • #83112
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Buenas tardes tengo un problema no me toma los pen drive el puerto USB ya probe con varios y nada. Y otro tema es la salida de auriculares me sale con mucho ruido de interferencia ya probe varios auris y en todos hace lo mismo. Que puede ser??

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Negromesa,

    It may be that the drives you have tested so far are not compatible. You can find a compatible USB drive for use with Qu-Drive here:

    With regards to the headphone promblem, does this still happen after you reset the console?

    If not, it may be a hardware problem, so you should contact your distributor to book the console in for a service. You can find their details here:

    Thanks! Alex

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