USB Stick not recognized

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  • #65807
    Profile photo of RickBRickB

    I got to church this morning and when I went to record the service on the USB stick the stick was not being recognized. We have used this stick several times before as we have only had the board a few months. We are running a GLD 112. I also tried a second stick and it was not recognized either. I tried rebooting the board and that did not help. I have the board fairly locked down to prevent unauthorized access to it so I do not think anyone else could have done anything. I tired looking in several places on the board and no USB stick is visible.

    I took the stick to a PC right next to it and the PC sees the stick fine. I tried reformatting the stick which made no difference. Does the stick need to be formatted in a particular format? Do I need to do anything on the board that I forgot about. As I said we have had this boar working only about 3 months at this point so I am still fairly new to it.

    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    Hi Rick,

    Try formatting the stick to Fat32. I have also read some off brands may not work very well. Kingston appears to be reliable. That is what we use.

    Profile photo of RickBRickB

    It ended up being that cheap memory stick. We got a Kingston and plugged it in and everything worked fine. Strange thing is the cheap stick worked for a few months.

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