I recorded a Stereo track sermon on USB and copied to Audacity. I raised the level to 30 dB as it was quite low. The quality was very good, but the file size was 38 MB which is too large to upload onto our church website as a Podcast. So i exported into mp3 in Audacity but reduced to 32kbps (it recorded at 128kbps). When i played it back i could still hear whst speaker said but there was like an echo all thru the recording.
I then tried exporting at 16kbps and 40kbps but still the same. Any ideas whats causing this and how to remove it?
32kbps is probably a bit low, unless you add a bandpass filter, drop it to mono and reduce the bit depth.
I’d drop it to mono, drop the bit depth to 16 at most, possibly as low as 8bit.
Drop the sample rate, you’re capturing speech, so a 20kHz sample rate will halve the file size and preserve all the important frequency information.
After all that you can probably export at 16kbit….
Thanks Bob, that worked a tteat, your suggestion for converting from USB stereo wav to mp3 straight from Audacity.
I raised the level by 30dB, combined the two stereo tracks into one mono track and then exported to mp3 using a reduced bitrate of 32kbit/s and reduced sample rate of 22050hz. File size ends up at 9MB which is fine. And no echo ?
Thanks Barry
Thanks Bob, that worked a treat, your suggestion for converting from USB stereo wav to mp3 straight from Audacity.
I raised the level by 30dB, combined the two stereo tracks into one mono track and then exported to mp3 using a reduced bitrate of 32kbit/s and reduced sample rate of 22050hz. File size ends up at 9MB which is fine. And no echo ?
Thanks Barry