USB Source in Show not correct recalled

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  • #73352
    Profile photo of BracumbaBracumba

    Seems to me there is an issue with the way the USB Source is saved and recalled in a show. Lets say you start out with the SQ-Drive selected. You recall a show in which USB B was saved as a Source. If you look in the I/O tab, the previous selected SQ-Drive is still selected. However, If you now ‘Go’ a scene, then look in the I/O tab it will change to the saved USB B Source , but it will not work ! In the I/O tab you have to manually first select SQ-Drive and than reselect the USB B Source , to get it to work.
    Would be nice If this can be fixed. Thanks !

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Bracumba,

    Can you start a ticket at with a link to a video of this behaviour?

    Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce this on my unit.



    Profile photo of BracumbaBracumba


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