USB Record – Softkey

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions USB Record – Softkey

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  • #62532
    Profile photo of JarronJarron

    Would love to be able to assign USB recording Start to a softkey…

    Anyone have another work around for this?

    Profile photo of jfjf

    If I share your request, I think it would take a total control of the USB
    (Read, pause, skip Bwd, skip Fwb, record). It is very simple to realize since it is only links to existing functions.


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I guess it will come with a future firmware

    Profile photo of SennySenny

    +1 for even just a softkey function to jump to the USB audio page.

    Profile photo of UIrichUIrich

    +1 for at least a recording-softkey

    Profile photo of DuesenbertDuesenbert

    +1 This would be incredible. I hate how it’s a 5-step process to start recording and 4-step process to stop it.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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