USB Keys


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  • #82718
    Profile photo of JDJD

    This may have already been suggested, apologies if it’s repetitive. I work at a public High School, we run a QU-32. I’m trying to streamline their use of the board as much as possible, which lately has been using the USB drive more regularly. I was thinking being able to “assign” each program a thumb drive that will allow them to do different things. Assign user levels to the stick. Ex: admin can access only scenes 1-3 for whatever event they are doing and can only mute/unmute and mix, while Theater can access the rest of the library and have access to EQ’s and other settings. But make it as plug and play as possible so any coordinator can walk up plug their stick in and not have to navigate several sub menus. Sadly the school doesn’t have a solid tech program yet, so it kinda needs to be as user friendly (*cough* dummy proof *cough*) as possible.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    not in the QU range

    and btw… admin is the person who as access to everything, this will never change, because it makes no sense to restrict the admin account
    and the admin is the one that can define user

    you can secure your board with user accounts

    Profile photo of JDJD

    I understand what the board admin is capable of, I was referring to school administrators.

    User accounts limited to basic, moderate and administrator though. I was looking for a little more control.

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