USB Key for updating firmware has to be FAT32.

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  • #100436
    Profile photo of Marcus McCombMarcus McComb

    If I’m the only stupid person here, that’s fine. Y’all make sure that when you try to update the Avantis from 1.03 to 1.1, make sure your USB Key is formatted to FAT32. If you’re like me and you have several that are used between MacOS and Windows as EXFAT, you’ll sit there like I did and go nowhere. System does not recognize anything except FAT32. Live and learn. By the way, the Avantis has been in my FOH booth for quite a while now and it has been wonderful.

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer

    Not stupid, just typical; as I am pretty sure the documentation says you need FAT32 in there somewhere, and easy to overlook.
    And if you read the messages about problems with usb memory sticks you will find that factoid mentioned more than you would have expected.

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