Unpleasant surprise

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  • #84258
    Profile photo of PatricioPatricio

    So I get it, I know where I messed up, but I’m still gonna complain.

    We’re a mobile church and I have a full time job not related to this field. Set up for sound check today and my iMac had auto updated the mix pad app, without my sq5 having the firmware updated, and no internet on site. I keep the console backstage and mix from the app. Not today though, mixing from back stage thanks to the app not being backwards compatible. Also the previous mix pad app worked on my Galaxy S8, but we switched to iPhone 2 days ago only to find out the app only works with my iPad but not the iPhone. So, so much for thinking I could just grab the previous app on my new phone.

    This will be fixed by next week but I’m annoyed today A&H.

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    The I-device problem is mostly down to Apple removing all older versions, no matter what the App developer says.

    Profile photo of OrionXOrionX

    I’m sure it’s been said before, but I’ll say it anyway – this is *exactly* why you should never have auto-update enabled on tablets or computers used for production work. If you do, sure enough, you’ll get bitten by this exact scenario sooner or later.

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    The I-device problem is mostly down to Apple removing all older versions, no matter what the App developer says.

    If the App developer only update the same app with new versions that scenario will take place. But the app developer can either consider that scenario and write the software more robust against changes by different versions of the counterpart of the communication or relase one app per major.minor version. So not the app-store is the big problem, the developers can deal with the situation in any way.
    Think about MixingStation. There were some updates related to protocol changes but when the update was released the new version can deal with the current firmware versions as well as with older one. So, this demonstrates that it is possible somehow.

    Profile photo of BarryjamBarryjam

    1.4 was released on a Wednesday, AFAIK, which is smart. Maybe a Monday would be even better for releases. Gives churches 5-6 days of advanced notice. Gives 4-5 days before Fri night events. With looming weekend gigs, I delayed updating firmware until I was assured that there were no updating errors or catastrophic bugs. Sure enough, several of my band mates had SQ4you auto updates.

    Automatic tablet/phone updates are one reason we should applaud A&H’s practice of not releasing updates until thoroughly tested.

    (imagine what would happen with a tablet only board, like Qu-sb)

    Profile photo of Rob-SpenceRob-Spence

    Yes, I wish they simply created a new version with a new name so you can keep multiple versions around. SQ-Mixpad13 and SQ-Mixpad14 could coexist.

    A&H should realize that an individual may work with multiple desks over several weeks and that they may not own these desks. Each owner may have a policy on updating. I use my desk and one owned by another company. My policy is to NEVER update firmware in advance of an important event. In my case last week it was a high profile college commencement on Thursday morning. Same desk Sunday for another commencement found my colleague with auto updated (even though auto updates turned off) iPad and was forced to update console hours before event. Fortunately he had the update with him as there was no Internet available. This should never happen.

    A&H, fix this!

    Profile photo of PatricioPatricio

    Or in my case, where my console was sitting in my storage all week and wasn’t turned on until Sunday morning.

    But, while it was an irritant, I can’t say it was a problem.

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