Hey all I am having some trouble getting this to work. I have gone through the video setup several times, changing my qu midi channel to 14 and mac (i think) 15and setting everything up. I can start and stop PT but the commands seem all messed up and any fader i touch on the console only moved ch7 on my daw. Im trying to figure out what I messed up. if i go along the mutes rather than muting the channels its selecting them on the mix window. I upgraded from fw 1.6 to 1.7 latest release with no change. Im sure its something silly I am missing but I am stumped and my PT doesnt seem to control the faders on the console in return. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks./ Peter
Mac: quadcore 2013 Retina 15.4 w 16gb ram and 512ssd running Yosemite.
QU-32 with both USB and Network enabled
ProTools 11.3.1
I finally just got this to work. In the DAW control I had to basically tell it to use TCPIP and then it started working perfectly. Is this normal or did you guys forget a step somewhere. This is the first time I got my faders to actually sync to Pro Tools.