the first time I came in contact with SQ (coming from GLD), there were two features I was missing:
- Second Faderbay
OK — I realize no matter how much the musicians here discuss the technical details of XCVI-Core (which I believe A&H knows best) — that wont come… Thats why this is not the header of this post
- Transient Designer
First time I had a hands on at my dealers (he had a SQ5 in store!!! you could try it and buy it!!! Believe it or not :-)), I thought, the missing Transient Designer was just a “little rush”, to get the SQ released before christmas or so… as the whole desk felt a bit “unpolished” at that time. So I wrote the german distributor and asked… the answer is of course german, but something like “…yeah… its just Firmware 1.2 … wait a little…”. And now we are still waiting :-/
Best Regards,