Tips for Showfile rebuilding?

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  • #106082
    Profile photo of FergieFergie

    Hi All,

    Anyone got any tips for rebuilding files with inputs reordered when a new cycle throws up a new channel list? Ideally doing more than just the input channel libraries, as I want to also deal with routing as well as (somehow) scene settings and scopes. I’ve managed to copy some of the routing before by copy and pasting using the channel mix button, over to a blank channel at the end of the patch, and then back to the new channel. But this is quite impractical with a fairly full input list, and I don’t think it handles any scene data either.

    I’d probably not bother if it wasn’t for the age old Even-Odd stereo issue causing trouble anyway, forcing a rebuild in the near future. Having the patching all over the place isn’t ideal either.


    Profile photo of RSRS

    If you follow this and this discussion you will see there is still no fast and easy way to do this on dLive (or any other current A&H console), although the wish for this feature is a couple of years old.
    Welcome to the 9 step procedure to copy a fully “equipped” channel.

    Profile photo of FergieFergie

    Fair enough, thanks. Adding a load of scene data too makes it too much trouble to bother with for now I think.

    Profile photo of RSRS

    Sure, if you rely heavily on scenes, that it quite some extra work which I haven’t took into account. But that part you will have on any console..

    Profile photo of ScotchyScotchy

    It seemingly helps to think of the channel strips as “assets” and not be too concerned about what number the strip actually is. I’m about to go through this process with a 76 “strip” session that’s very complex so I’ll have a more comprehensive response next week. What’s your deadline? and are you recording? Use Director offline so you can endlessly stare at it.

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