Hello i am playing back a drum loop on 120BPM and i want to sync the delay FX exactly to the tempo on a “live” situation.
I have assigned the tap function to a softkey, but when i am pressing it exactly to the tempo always its out of sync!
Am i doing something wrong?
I want to do this live on every track in order to match the songs BMP to the delay.
@Giga I am pressing the button i don’t understand what do you mean with “tapping” the button. Is there another way?
@MarkPAman On a live gig i don’t know exactly the tempo the band plays that moment, so i want with tapping the softkey to match exactly the dalay time. For example i don’t know if the song is 118 or 120 or 125 bpm thats why i am asking!
I am pressing the button i don’t understand what do you mean with “tapping” the button. Is there another way?
Just tapping your finger to beat of the music on the button hard enough that you depress the button on every tap. You need to tap a few times so it adverages out the tap times.
the flashing is not usually on the beats
since the tapping is calculated and that introduces a short delay but it is in sync with the music if you tap in sync
@MikeC Yes i tried it pressing the on screen button but the same happened. I have selected from presets a vocal delay.
@SteffenR The red button flashing is “in sync” with the yellow dots on the screen that also flashing but also both are out the beat. You probably mean that the short delay for the time calculation is the issue. So there is no way to achieve tap delay exactly on the beat?