T112 surface strip light accuracy

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  • #37307
    Profile photo of bobpalbobpal

    I’m noticing on my T112 the lights on the channel strip are not accurate at all. For example on the frequency selection for EQ the led on the LF range says 35 and the graph on the screen says 175, LM lights says 180, touch screen says 500, HM led says 3k, screen says 1,100, HF led says 12k, screen says 4,500k. Is there an adjustment that I can make to get them more inline? The gain/reduction knob led’s tracks very closely to the screen. <y firmware is v1.9.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Check you haven’t got the 20Hz-20kHz option enabled on PEQ (Mixer Preferences). The surface LEDs work when the PEQ bands are set within their default ranges.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of bobpalbobpal

    I don’t know but I will take a look. Thanks.

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