T112 Mix Recall

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  • #41019
    Profile photo of dlbrace2dlbrace2

    I’m using an iLive-T112 surface and iDR-48 Mixrack. I’ve saved some IEM mixes for some band members. When i go to “Mix Library” and then recall the mix, the stored mixes don’t come up. Am i doing something wrong? Has anyone else had this problem?

    Profile photo of Leon BigEars A&HLeon BigEars A&H

    The ‘Mix Library’ is for the settings of the mix master output channel (eq, processing, etc).
    you need to use Scenes to save and recall different monitor mixes for the band.
    The easiest way to do this is to create a ‘store all’ scene once you have the basic mixer set up.
    then for each song where you have different settings in the iems you use store all to create additional scenes (give them names as per the song etc). then edit out of these scenes all the items you dont want affecting by a scene recall or / and set ‘scene safes’ to isolate channels globally from inadvertent changes. its usually the send levels, mutes, FX units etc that get changed song by song. if you are mixing FOH from the same mixer too then you can use these scenes to control elements of the PA mix if you want.

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