T112 Dual Mix Setup

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    Profile photo of BarrettBarrett

    I’m new to the Allen&Heath world. I was brought up on the Yamaha digital PM1D boards and now I am expanding my horizons now by helping a church get their T112 setup.
    The church I’m helping just bought the T112 to connect to their existing A&H system. They did not have a Control Surface before and were using a laptop to mix the Dr32 with.
    The new/used T112 came with a DR48, which is great because they have a bunch of wireless mics they want to install back in the booth. So we will plug them into that.

    Now let me lay out my issue… I’m ignorant. Old. And frustrated. So please have mercy.
    They have the old DR32 installed down on the stage in a rack with all the stage equipment hooked up to it, they don’t want me to move it. The DR32 also feeds the mains.
    I have the new T112 and the DR48 in the sound booth with me. I got them all hooked up and talking last night in Master DR48/ Slave DR32 configuration. Looks great.
    Then I began to browse through the T112 interface to patch the mains to the DR32 outputs, but I can’t even figure out where they have hidden the ability to manipulate the outputs of the slave unit.

    I almost began to cry after 6 hours. I’m not this dumb. What am I missing? Is it really this difficult to patch the Slave DR32 outputs?

    Thanks in advance for anyone who has mercy on me here.

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    For a Dual Rack setup, you have to “patch” the in’s and out’s between mix-racks using the ACE patching.

    From the slave rack to the master rack, 32 of the 64 ACE channels are user programable. (The 1st 32 ACE channels are reserved for the 32 inputs of the slave rack).
    From the master rack to the slave rack, you have all 64 channels available to program, and you have to program these channels to get your audio from the master(and surface) to the slave.

    The patching is done from the ‘outputs’ button, located under the surface touch screen.
    Located at the top of the outputs screen you have to select either the ‘master’ rack or the ‘slave rack’.
    Start with the ‘master’ rack selection, then locate the tab labeled as ‘port B ACE’, select an ACE channel, then on the right side of the screen select the source signal to send out on this ACE channel(your “mains” source).
    Next step, select the ‘slave’ rack at the top of the outputs page.
    Select your physical output port of the slave rack, on the right side select the source for this port, in this case select “port B ACE” then the ACE channel that you assigned in the previous steps.

    When I expanded our system from a single rack to a dual rack, it took me a bit to grasp the “ACE” routing aspect as well.

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    Have you read this document:

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    Barrett, I tried to attach a document that explains Dual Rack setup. It’s too large.
    If you PM me an e-mail address I can send it to you.

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    If the laptop is still available, you can also setup the outputs routing thru the I/O screen of iLive Editor, if that would be more comfortable at this point.

    Profile photo of BarrettBarrett

    Okay, I found the Outputs button that was sitting in front of my face all this time. Still can’t make it work.

    I choose Outputs
    Choose Slave, from the drop-down menu.
    Then I choose the port (#G-8) that the main amps are connected to down on the stage and that’s where my luck ends. How do I get the board to output its mains to that plug? Good grief, this cannot be this difficult.

    I tried several times to reset the board to factory default, but flipping those dip switches in the back of the T112 and rebooting did nothing to reset anything. I’m starting to question my sanity.

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    You are on the right track. Keep following the instructions I posted earlier, especially the mapping to the ACE line. That is the key. Master rack->out on ACE-> into Slave rack from ACE

    I’m going to be out at our system in a hour or so(we have a service tonight).
    I’ll take some screen shots and e-mail them to you.

    Profile photo of BarrettBarrett

    Well, since this console does not allow me to patch directly to the Slave unit output on stage, I had to gerryrig it with a patch cord from the Master Line 1 out to channel 48 and then patch the DR32/Slave to the ACE source ch 48… This is stupid beyond belief. How in the world is this right? Surely I’m just missing something. This is nuts.

    I can SEE the Main Out if I choose the Master Rack. But that option is not available to the Slave. Why wouldn’t you want to ever send the mains to the slave?

    If this is how Allen & Heath has designed this, I can never recommend one of these boards ever. I have 12 hours into figuring out this one problem so far. Read enough about the board to rebuild it from sratch. But apparently, its written in British… And me no comprende..

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    It’s all a matter of patching in the console software controller. You basically have to “tunnel” your signals to the slave rack thru the ACE line(64 channels available)

    It can seem a bit unconventional, but once you understand how the data(audio) flows between the racks, it’s not that hard.
    I complicated our system even more with a Dante card in our slave rack portB slot for multi-track recording and playback…. that can become a patching headache without a good set of notes, and a very good understanding of how the patching is done.

    I sent you a couple of screen shots to your e-mail. One is the patch setting for the master rack output on the ACE, the 2nd is the patching setup for the XLR jack of the slave rack.

    This patching can be done either with the surface, or a pc running Editor software.

    Profile photo of RaySRayS

    Have a look:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLBhs_sXe9M. multirack setup


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