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  • #97698
    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    You offer no facts for how to handle the situation I noted just keep saying its my fault somehow.

    we offered many facts in the past 10 months and you came back to all the same problems with ignoring all our advices
    the answers you give were not helpful in many cases

    ***comment removed***

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    I only ignore things that are impossible for us to do.

    ***comment removed***

    Profile photo of raycarroll03raycarroll03

    What is the correct gain staining for the Allen and Heath sq6. I was told for vocals and instruments that I should get a meter reading around -12 on each channel is this correct should it be higher.

    Profile photo of raycarroll03raycarroll03

    We are getting ok sound but to me it feels like it could be a fuller sound and our worship leader keeps telling me to that sound is not that full of sound. So I have gone through each channel and added compression and some reverb to the voxs. Would adding compression or a limiter to the stream help?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    We are getting ok sound but to me it feels like it could be a fuller sound and our worship leader keeps telling me to that sound is not that full of sound. So I have gone through each channel and added compression and some reverb to the voxs. Would adding compression or a limiter to the stream help?

    “Fuller sound” can be kind of subjective in meaning.
    What does the music in the service consist of?
    Maybe the streaming mix is lacking in some bass gtr, drums, ect.
    Could be the overall EQ of the streaming mix.
    How are you monitoring and setting up the streaming mix?

    Adding some heavier compression to the overall streaming mix will let you
    push the streaming level higher, TV and radio do that all the time with lots
    of processing on the audio before it hits the transmitter!

    Post a link so we can what your live stream sounds like as it is.

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    WHAT is fuller sound?
    That is VERY subjective.And do you mean sound in the nave or sound sent to utoob for streaming?

    We have the same problem as our MD and A1 keep tweaking the sound but each undoes what the other person had already done.
    Bigger problem is the minister often tells them to just turn the volume up. Which is the only problem I see.
    And the only problem the audience has complained about.

    And where is the -12dB at?
    For a mix being sent to the livestream you may need a lot more as most PCs will have their own headroom on top of your -12 added to the -18dBFS that AH has in the SQ. So the video folks may think the signal is at -48dBFS on their PC with OBS if they can detect it at all.

    For use in the nave it depends on the DR of your source.
    How loud do you need the result.
    Is there a feedback problem.

    You may need to do compression, perhaps a lot, and possibly still limit the gain to the power amp to avoid feedback.
    So -12dBFS could be too low or too high depending on your situation.

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    We have the same problem as our MD and A1 keep tweaking the sound but each undoes what the other person had already done.
    Bigger problem is the minister often tells them to just turn the volume up. Which is the only problem I see.
    And the only problem the audience has complained about.

    Thats a different problem. @raycarroll03 have problems to make the sound better with the console. Your problem is no technical one, it is a problem of bad human interaction. His problem is solvable with some advice. Your problem is only solveable via a supervision of a good therapist. Two complete different stories.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    What is the correct gain staining for the Allen and Heath sq6. I was told for vocals and instruments that I should get a meter reading around -12 on each channel is this correct should it be higher.

    What you mean with -12? Which meter? The PAFL meter?

    If you PFL an input channel you can drive the signal until it peaks on the yellow LED’s on the PAFL meter.
    It is safe to go a bit higher (around +6dB) , since the 0dB mark is related to -18dBFS to allow enough headroom.
    A better representation on the gain setting for the preamp is the “Preamp page”. Bring your peaks up to the yellow part…

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    There you go again.
    Why do you keep insulting me when you are the one who is confused?

    @Raycarrol03 has exactly the same problem our church has.
    Who gets to say what sounds better or is ‘fuller’.
    And just what *is* fuller anyway?

    His problem is no more solvable as the answer is totally subjective.
    You please one set of ears then somebody else will complain it is now worse.

    You may need a therapist but I do not.
    I observe the same problem as the MD and A1 each have a different idea of what is ‘fuller’ or better.
    And the pastor does not care if they would just turn his mike up louder.

    Profile photo of raycarroll03raycarroll03

    Yes the PAFL meter is what I was told trying to find the correct way for the sq6.

    Profile photo of raycarroll03raycarroll03

    Here is a link to my church YouTube video. IF you could listen and give some feedback.


    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    so the original question was about ‘fuller’ sound on the livestream not live in the building?

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    the link did not play for me
    got your main page and clicked on latest video
    but all i got was spinning circles

    was this 4K 1080p 1080HX 720p or other resolution
    what was the bps rate aka bandwidth you used to record it ?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Ok I checked out some parts of a few videos listening with headphones.
    – Over all not so bad.
    -In the later ones I could hear that at some point the streaming feed was just
    at the point of starting to distort, I could really hear it on the pastors mic.
    -The two acoustic guitars are competing against each other to find their spot
    in the mix, maybe high pass them a little higher and eq them differently maybe pulling
    more mids out of one of them.
    -Overall pull the instruments back in the mix to open the vocals up.
    -Add a bit more reverb to the vocals on the stream mix.
    -Mute all the FX returns when the people speak, when the electric guitar was talking
    it sounded like there was still some reverb on his voice.
    -The drums do need to be brought into the streaming mix more, use the post fade mix
    like we talked about and bring those mic channels up some more.
    -If your not putting any of the drum mics into the main mix, just un-assign those channels from the main mix or as I think was mentioned double assign the drum mics to a second set of input channels so you have total independent control of them in the live stream mix.
    the main mix

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Hi Ray,
    I listened to the service from 27th December.
    It sounds not bad… much better then I expected from your description.
    Maybe you should add some reverb to the singers and a different one to the instruments, just a bit.
    Compression could help for the voices.

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