Stereo Inputs as Dual Mono Inputs

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  • #63069
    Profile photo of rschlierbeckrschlierbeck


    I was just thinking about ways to increase the channel input count on my Qu-16 and wanted to throw an idea out and see if it reasonable or if I’m completely off.

    If I have an analog mixer that has monitor left and right outputs (+4dB) and two mono aux outputs (also +4dB), could I send the two monitor outputs to the Left and Right channels of one stereo input and the two aux outputs into another stereo input? Something like this:

    Monitor L —–> ST2L
    Monitor R —–> ST2R
    Aux 1 Out —–> ST3L
    Aux 2 Out —–> ST3R

    I can’t see needing to do this very often but it would be a nice trick to have in my bag for a situation that required more than 16 inputs. If it is a workable technique what would be your preferred analog mixer to use?



    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    You can do that but the results will be they will be hard left and right. That is if you’re putting them into the LR out. Any good mixer will work. AH has a great line of small analog models.

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees

    I carry one of these:

    Clean enough and can be run on batteries which is handy. TRS outputs, even has inserts on channels 1&2 if you want to add something like a single channel FBX.

    Actually a handy piece of kit.

    Profile photo of rschlierbeckrschlierbeck


    Yes that might be rough for FOH. I was actually thinking about this for tracking in our rehearsal space. The stereo L and R come into my DAW on separate tracks so this might be an easy way to get 4 more mono channels. For things like drum overheads or room mics, or anything else not going through the PA, it seems like a perfect fit.

    Profile photo of rschlierbeckrschlierbeck


    That does look like a handy little board to carry with you. I have a small Yamaha with similar features. The only deficiency is that it only has one Aux out. I’d like to have 2 Aux outs plus monitor outs on TRS. I’m sure I’ll find something suitable. Thanks for the input.

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