I am new to the iLive Family (T112). So far I am impressed with the mixer and its’ capabilities. The manual is just what it is – Getting Started. I have been able to figure the basics – would like to quickly understand how to (step by step) – setting up a matrix mix to send to an output (CD recording and livestream). I have already set up Groups (separating voxs, instruments and drums into 3 distinct groups). Now is knowing the steps to complete the rest (my preference is to catch the audio phase at pre and not post). Details / suggestions are greatly appreciated.
if you know what a matrix mixer is it is easy to figure it out…
press the mix button on the matrix master, now you can assign the busses to the matrix
it’s like handling mixes from the busses, masters and aux masters
if you assign a mono buss to a stereo matrix you can adjust the pan
sometimes the routing screen makes it easier to understand what’s going on
Yes big time – thanks for the tip – I was able to configure groups segregated by Vox, instruments, drums and no-FX – then routed to the stereo MTX…all good, so I am feeding the CD and Livestream audio….so I thank you !!!! RG