St3 Routing

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  • #43217
    Profile photo of jrojas76jrojas76

    Hi, its possible to assign st3 to faders 15-16 to put on this fader a stereo secuence with metronome?
    can change the routing of a channel to another?

    example channel 1 with un mic assing to fader 2.

    Profile photo of Dick ReesDick Rees


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    No, but you could plug your source into the Line inputs of 15&16, or use the custom layer to have faders arranged as you want.

    Profile photo of jrojas76jrojas76

    Thanx! yes Bob ,This is how it planned. But it might be interesting to implement in a future firmware. All Music Board high level inputs allow easy router

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Meh, if yoh have many more inputs than faders it might be important… Might be more signifant over dsnake for the QU I supposr

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