SQ5 Touch screen bug

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  • #110306
    Profile photo of TibsTibs

    Twice I faced the same problem with the SQ-5: during use, the touch screen stopped responding. The screen still works, but no longer possible to use the touch function. The problem is solved when restarting the console… but not possible during a concert!
    What to do ?

    SQ5 V1.5.6

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    Were you using any control apps? Mixing Station can cause this by sending too much data too fast. Fixed in the current beta.

    Profile photo of TibsTibs

    Thank you for your answer, indeed the SQ MixPad software was open on my PC.
    Will it be solved in the next SQ-5 update or is it already solved with the 1.5.6 update?

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    I’m not sure when that gets pushed to main. The current Mac beta is 1.8.0(326). You may be able to switch to the beta release track in the app general settings. I don’t remember if that was a thing I had to sign up for.

    A&H should really fix this in firmware. It’s some kind of buffer overrun that should be handled more gracefully.

    Profile photo of TibsTibs

    Ok thank you for your answer.

    Profile photo of Oliver74Oliver74

    I currently have the same problem!
    I had no control software running…
    Luckily I have my IPad with me, otherwise I wouldn‘t be able to run the Show :-/

    Yesterday night it worked fine, didn’t get moved,…

    SQ 5
    Firmware 1.5.6 r4043

    Profile photo of RSRS

    I had no control software running…

    Luckily I have my IPad with me…

    Profile photo of Oliver74Oliver74

    After the Show is disconnected the network cable to wire router, rebooted, now it works fine again \o/.

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    Well, happened here, too. Booted up the SQ6, nothing else running. No touchscreen response. Rebooted the board, all is well. Scary.

    , are there any diagnostics or anything I can run?

    Profile photo of GrazGraz

    Hi Keith,
    I undestand this issue could be not easy to troubleshoot but I guess needs to be analyzed in deep.
    My feeling is that unresponsive touch screen at power on is not dued to HW problems (defective touch screen itself) since there are a lot of cases already reported here and I cannot believe that all units are defective..
    Instead I guess it could be caused by network startup config (with external router for instance) during the first power on.
    If you need further infos please don’t hesitate to revert to me.

    Many thanks in advance !

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi all,

    @Graz is correct – anything intermittent is difficult to pin down, but if you haven’t already done so, please contact us directly about this using support.allen-heath.com.
    We will do our best to help figure out what’s happened and will also be able to log and share symptoms with the development and test team to investigate further if required.


    Profile photo of Oliver74Oliver74

    I used the Ipad & software AFTER the touch screen didn’t respond 😉

    Profile photo of GrazGraz

    Hi Keith and all,

    just had the reponse from A&H Support.. they clearly stated that this is an HW failure, no dubt.
    Personally I’m not so sure …
    Anyway, I will do as they suggested and arrange the unit to be sent for repair.
    Let’s see at the end .
    Keep you posted !

    Please keep me updated about any outcome in regards.
    Thanks & kind regards,


    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    David Schumann of Mixing Station has definitely demonstrated that a burst of data on the network can overrun a buffer and produce a variety of results, including an unresponsive touchscreen. The SQ should handle that situation more gracefully.

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    My screen was nonresponsive on first start again yesterday. Once every 3 weeks is never going to be found on a test bench. Sigh. So far it’s always worked after a restart.

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