SQ5 FX to Mix

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  • #83029
    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    I am trying to use the same LR FX and also sending it to a mix. It should be dirt simple, but I must be missing something.

    Sample: I have 3 VOX channels with reverb on the main mix. I would like to send the same effects using the same FX engine and have it also go to one or more of the monitor mixes.

    Thanks for helping, I am fairly new on a digital board.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @kenm ,

    The FX returns are what you’re after here 🙂
    They work in much the same way as the input channels, so you can assign them to any mix and then individually adjust their send levels to the each mix too.

    This is shown at the end of the ‘Rack FX’ How-To video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0tJRe0sjgo).

    Hope this helps!


    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    Thanks Keith, just what I needed.

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