SQ5 as a DAW controller

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  • #97766
    Profile photo of WaihekeSoundieWaihekeSoundie

    I have a multitrack recording that I made through my SQ5 pre-eq, gateing compression etc
    I’m now mixing it.
    I am trying to save a bit of time and re-mix the recording by playing the recording back through the desk with the saved scene from the gig as a starting point and bouncing and re-recording the desk’s main mix back the DAW.

    Not sure this is saving me time in fact but is an interesting process.
    The main “problem” of course, compared with automating the mix in the box, is that I can’t reproduce the mix unless I remember what I have done exactly
    Is there any way that fader movements I make on the SQ5 can be recorded as automation for the corresponding tracks in my DAW?
    I suspect not but might be really helpful if it were possible.
    Appols if this is a dumb question.
    Thank you

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    There is no direct link between automation and SQ faders

    The topic title is misleading, since you can control the tracks/channels in the DAW already.
    The MIDI faders are for this…

    But you need the opposite way. You have to program it by yourself.
    I’m not sure if the SQ is sending MIDI messages that reflect every move. If so you can record those messages.


    Profile photo of WaihekeSoundieWaihekeSoundie

    Thank you Steffen
    Looks like what I was wondering about is possible.. will have a crack at setting it up. Thank you
    (I really love my SQ.. it’s such a great piece of kit)

    Happy new year btw.. hope all is good for you in these difficult times wherever you are


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