SQ recording to SDCard with adaper

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  • #90603
    Profile photo of AndreyMaslovAndreyMaslov

    Has anybody tried it? My attempt to use Kingston 3.0 reader (just because it was on my desk) failed – no device detected.
    Is it possible in general? If so, any requirements to adapter, say must be SDCard only (no other slots) and 2.0?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    hard disk or usb thumb drive only

    Profile photo of AndreyMaslovAndreyMaslov

    But why? Generally speaking, IMHO flash drives are losing popularity to portable SSDs, NVMe and combinations with SD cards, hard disk are already dead.
    SD card are faster, more reliable, etc. And technically what’s wrong in my adapter, so mixer doesn’t see it?

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    the adapter needs a driver/controller to work

    a portabel SSD is a device that works as a hard disk replacement
    so this should work

    Profile photo of AndreyMaslovAndreyMaslov

    Well I don’t mind investing in SSD either, but if memory serves there is only one mentioned in the list of tested devices. If any.

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