SQ Mixpad – Bug or Goof

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  • #105231
    Profile photo of TimmyPTimmyP

    Working Offline. Recalled a saved scene on which I had set some recall filters (in Mixpad, not on the console).

    When I go to Scenes, Global Filter nothing is selected except Soft keys.

    Safes: Nothing selected.

    Scene Manager: Scene shows that some filters are set. If I click the Recall Filter button in the Modify section, It shows me the selections I made previously, says “Syncing” for a second and the app stops working. It should know that it is Offline and not try to sync.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    The safes and global recall filters are not part of the individual scenes. They are stored globally, and are stored at the show file level.

    It almost sounds like you’re not really in “offline” mode. It shouldn’t be trying to sync. I just ran it here a couple of times (Windows PC), and it is working exactly as expected.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    No bug that I’m aware of and not able to replicate it on iOS or Windows.
    To check whether the issue is with the app or the show/scenes, you could start a new show and see if you can reproduce the behaviour.
    If you can, then please contact us using https://support.allen-heath.com with more details on the device and app version you’re using.
    If you cannot, then it might suggest an issue (corruption?) of show files, so if you could send the whole show folder through to us along with perhaps a picture of the ‘syncing’ popup, we can see if we can spot anything and perhaps figure out what’s going on.


    Profile photo of TimmyPTimmyP

    Definitely Off Line

    Created a new Show and new Scene, set some filters, saved Scene and Show.

    Issue still exists. Will email support.


    PS: It would be nice if the scene list scroll bar could be used instead of having to use the mouse wheel – bit of a nuisance when going a long way along the list.

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