SQ Drive Recording Errors

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ troubleshooting SQ Drive Recording Errors

  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Profile photo of TobiTobi.
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  • #109724
    Profile photo of SoundGuySoundGuy

    On SQ7, when recording multi-track using the SQ drive, we have found that unless you format the drive in the mixer (approved Samsung SSD) before recording, then the recorded files get corrupted and are unreadable or missing on any machine (even the SQ7 itself). After formatting, the recorded the files are fine. Stop the recording, then start recording again the files are fine (multiple start/stops are fine). If you remove the drive from the mixer, then reconnect it and start recording again the files are unreadable when finished. This occurs even if the mixer is not shut down between sessions. No error message from the mixer itself. Seems like the mixer doesn’t read the drive’s state/condition before starting recording again.

    Any ideas?

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    I’ll only record USB out to a laptop. SQ Drive is way too finicky and unreliable.

    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    Using an Samsung SSD I did not have problems…

    Best Regards,

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