SQ Drive multitrack recording

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  • #88458
    Profile photo of MarkMark

    Update 12/29/2019 with success!

    I received information that the USB stick linked below worked well for multitrack recording. The recommendation included the size of 16GB so that’s what I ordered.

    It worked as hoped. Joy! But so far I have not had this stick in a PC and probably won’t until it’s full. And then I plan to only read from it in a PC. I had another brand/model stick that was working until I deleted files from it while it was in a PC (not formatting it, just deleting files).

    I did note a couple oddities, but they do not interfere with me using the USB stick for multitrack recording so far.

    1) I had to format the brand new drive in the SQ6. Formatting appeared to skip from about 50% all the way to complete.
    2) When I tried to use the stick for recording, it said it was in use but it wasn’t. I momentarily removed the stick and then it was usable.
    3) On the first recording (only the first recording), a single error showed up right after recording started but then operation was perfect. The next recording did not have any errors.

    Currently, my only need for multitrack recording is to record the individual vocalists during praise band practice. Then at my own (slow) pace, I hope to play each back
    voice one at a time and really dial in the PEQ for each one. The PEQs in the SQ have already made huge improvements for us over what we had in our old analog board. I am new to using a PEQ so have mercy on me for my process. We just finished a Christmas choir program with way too many mics in use at one time. Being able to slice out the feedback prone areas of all those mics really helped us.

    The USB stick I used for multitrack recording was:

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Was this issue ever resolved? My church has just purchased an sq5. I attempted to record a multitrack last night and there were MANY drop-offs and glitches making the recording not usable. This feature is extremely important as we need recordings of the choir and sermon each week for evaluation.

    Profile photo of MarkMark

    Thank you to the people at A&H who worked on SQ Firmware 1.5. I’m sure there were many tedious hours put into it. After installing Vers. 1.5, I set the SQ drive sampling rate down to 48kHz and now multitrack recording works like a charm on a Sandisk Ultra USB 3.0 16GB drive that wouldn’t before. Thank you.

    Profile photo of HughHugh

    I have two Glyph independently powered HDs that work without problems in the A&H USB2 protocol.

    1) The small audio packets we work with, unlike video requirements, are a good fit for USB2. However the speed requirement for multi-tracking is pretty healthy and when the USB source is also providing the operating power for the flash drive corruption is likely.
    2) SSDs run much hotter than spinning drives and as such are probably not a smart or beneficial choice to use with the A & H USB2 protocol.

    Buy a 1tb Glyph Studio HD or similar powered HD for working with the subject A & H USB2 recording protocol.

    Profile photo of AaronAaron

    That chart definitely Is helpful. The church I work at has been having that same problem.

    There are so many good forums on the allen and heath website to read through on this.

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