SQ-6 Mix Group Fader Flip Issue

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  • #85207
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hello everyone,
    I am currently using a SQ-6 and setting up mix groups for microphones and a band setup.
    I am able to assign channels to the mix groups (set up from 9-12) and route them to the main LR mix.
    The issue I am having is when I swap between the LR mix and the sub-mixes I have created, the faders do not flip to channels only assigned to that mix or how the faders had been set up in that mix but remain as per the LR mix.

    I am wondering if this is an issue or if this is normal?
    Appreciate any feedback/help

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Jarrodmcd,

    The send level for the group is the same send as the LR mix and it is only a signal routing change when you assign the channel to a group.

    It may help visually to look at the block diagram, as this will show you how the signal is routed in the SQ: https://www.allen-heath.com/media/SQ-6-Technical-Datasheet_D.pdf#page=5&zoom=390,188,780

    When you press the Mix Select key for a group, this only changes the master fader to the group and the fader strips remain as the LR mix.

    Thanks! Alex

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