Soft Key: Recall Scene WITH confirmation?

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  • #122466
    Profile photo of Simon2Simon2


    when i recall a scene via the scene panel i’m asked to confirm the action.
    When i recall it via a soft key (Control Type ‘Recall Scene’, Control Option 2 <no. of scene>) it is recalled immediately.
    Is there any option to ask for confirmation for the ‘recall via soft key’?
    I find it very dangerous this way – esp. with less experienced users (for which the soft keys in general are especially useful).
    One thoughtless or involuntary press and your live show is in deep trouble.



    Profile photo of SQuserSQuser

    > Is there any option to ask for confirmation for the โ€˜recall via soft keyโ€™?
    I am not aware of such an option.
    Soft keys are supposed to make things run faster.
    Alternatively, it would be possible to arrange the scenes in the required order (I know, this is terrible on the SQ, but it is possible).
    Then use a Soft Key “Scene Next” (and possibly “Scene Previous”) to select the next or desired scene at your leisure.
    It will then be visible in the display at the top as Next and can be started at the right moment with another Soft Key “Scene Recall Go”.

    > One thoughtless or involuntary press and your live show is in deep trouble.
    Perhaps it would be better to keep people like that far away from live shows.

    Profile photo of Simon2Simon2

    Thank you.

    > Alternatively, it would be possible to arrange the scenes in the required order
    I will experiment with this.
    If it is too complicated / error prone maybe we go with ‘recalling the user’ (and with that the ‘User Scene’).

    >> One thoughtless or involuntary press and your live show is in deep trouble.
    > Perhaps it would be better to keep people like that far away from live shows.
    Unfortunately we have no citizens of the ‘never makes a mistake’-world ๐Ÿ˜‰
    (not even our professional Sound engineers)

    Profile photo of GeoffGeoff

    I use some of the Soft Keys to recall scenes, but they are particular scenes that only change FX parameters. Therefore a mistaken press is not the end of the world.


    Profile photo of Simon2Simon2

    In our church we have a large variety of people who are using the system. Some are very skilled, others are not… some regulars, others guests…
    So it is very useful to given them a ‘one button solution” for recalling a ‘standard scene’. Not only at the start but sometimes in progress of a sound check, when they messed something up. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That has proven a good an reliable method over the last 8 years and worked perfecty fine with our Yamaha TF. And every now and then somebody accidently pressed the ‘standard scene button’ and was glad that he could abort…

    It strikes me a little bit odd that
    * the ‘expert user’ (who found his way over the scene screen to the recall button) is asked to confirm his action
    * but the amateur (who has brushed over the softkey without noticing) is instantly surprised with a complete change of setting.

    I think, the missing feature is rather blooper than the result of a sophisticated concept… ๐Ÿ˜‰
    (and would be glad if it would be added in a future firmware version)

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