I have a TC Helicon VoiceLive 3 that uses its different options/ settings (i.e Aux input, guitar input, room sense, auto sense) to auto tune and to create harmonies if the harmony button is selected.
For this to be accurate and most responsive it needs to be done through an aux cable.
Basically the outputs on the VoiceLive3 are Dry vocals and Wet vocals with the aux coming through that channel. The problem being i can’t adjust the volume on my digital music player meaning id have to kneel down to the VoiceLive 3 each time i want to fine adjust the volume to match the effects…
is there a way to route a channel to a certain output so the volume can be adjusted on the selected slider but the sound is only coming from the VoiceLive 3 output? If that makes sense!
So if i insert my track on channel 1 & my wet signal is channel 3. I can adjust the channel 1 slider without any sound coming out of the mix until the channel 3 slider is turned up.
Hope this makes sense and someone can save me from this problem!!
Thank you