Sidechain dynamic eq and multiband compressor

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    Profile photo of eythoralexeythoralex

    So just wondering of it is possible to side chain fx the vocal to the piano with the multiband compressor and dynamic eq. I’m not optimistic that its a built in feature so mainly looking if anyone as a clever workaround (you get surprised what clever ideas people sometimes can come up with).

    Profile photo of BracumbaBracumba

    Playing around, I once did this; (I Copy/Paste an old FB message)
    “….For many, no doubt, an obvious workflow. But for me it was new, and it got me enthousiastic.
    Simple scenario with a singer , also playing piano. The goal is, when she sings; let the SQ lower the mids of the piano, just a bit.
    Workflow :
    -put a ducker on the piano, trigger it with her voice, and lead the result in a group. I did not assign this piano to LR
    -insert the DynEQ plug-in in this group, so that it enhances the low and high, when the piano is soft (thus when she sings). But leaves the piano as it is, when she’s not singing.
    -in my case I doubled the original piano on the surface, giving control over the untouched and the often softer one with the bass and treble boosted. (More or less the same as saying the original piano, with mids cut)
    -make a nice mix from the voice, the Dynamic EQ piano, and the original piano
    -As a safe guard the Multiband Compressor was inserted on the main out

    I think the result was nice and musical, worth the ‘hassel’, and I hope worth mentioning here “

    Profile photo of BracumbaBracumba

    Probably you could do something simular, with a gate. Arrange that the piano is available on two channel strips of the SQ. Inverse the polarisation of one. Put a gate on it, and sidechane it with the vocals. Arrange the EQ of this piano in a way that it punches ‘a hole’ in the original piano when the singer sings. Hope this makes sense

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    there is no workaround
    the devices have no separate key in
    side chaining is only possible with the channel processing

    Profile photo of Valentyn LValentyn L

    +1 for sidechain for multiband compressor and dynamic eq.

    Profile photo of CLabeckCLabeck

    +1 for built in sidechain for multiband compressor and dynamic eq

    Profile photo of Dave MeadowcroftDave Meadowcroft

    +1 from me!

    I was just looking for this to compress the bass at around 63 Hz keyed from the kick so the kick doesn’t get swamped by this particular bassist’s tone. It sounds great but needs a little help when they hit the down beat together. I’d rather not compress the bass fully, just at around that frequency.

    Profile photo of Mr.SiMr.Si

    +1 for this please!

    I’ve been hearing about this sort of thing recently and I think it would be a fabulous addition to the add-on processing. I know it’s possible with some of the comps like the Opto (but not the 76), so would love to be able to do it with the DynEQ and MBC Keying similar frequency instruments like keys and electrics off of each other or the whole band off the vocals to help them cut through more.

    Profile photo of MilowMilow


    This way I use the MBC/dynEQ in 75% on dLive or other consoles

    Profile photo of TimmyPTimmyP

    What peeves me about the MBC is that I have to spend $89 to get a plugin that B gives me for free in a $399 mixer – and it’s a 5 band.

    Profile photo of Valentyn LValentyn L

    +1 for built in sidechain for multiband compressor and dynamic eq

    Profile photo of SoundaveSoundave

    +1 or all of this.

    Profile photo of BradyBrady

    +1 for sidechain capability! I just bought DynEQ4 for specifically this purpose, and am saddened to realize it isn’t capable.

    Profile photo of Mat GreweMat Grewe


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