Sharing SQ control data over gigaACE

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  • #107168
    Profile photo of BartjanBartjan

    Hi everyone,

    After watching the network-masterclass on YouTube I got inspired!

    Learning that gigaACE reserves a portion of the connection for control messages I was wondering if it is possible to have the following setup;

    SQ6@foh GigaACE to SQ5@mon

    No fancy network switch stuff, just PTP as recommended.

    I connect my stage router to one of the consoles, is there a way to control both of the consoles though that router? As GigaACE claims to tunnel normal IP data though the protocol?

    Thanks in advance,

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    You need to connect the network port of both consoles to the router, if you want to access both from an IPad or similar.

    The S-Link/GigACE ports will only send audio between the consoles if you connect those two together.

    Profile photo of BartjanBartjan

    Hello Søren,

    Thank you for your answer.

    Well of course I’ve tried the proposed setup. And I was baffled that A&H left out such an opportunity.

    Protocol was designed to encapsulate TCP/IP data, so implementation shouldn’t be difficult (correct me if I’m wrong).

    The obvious solution is ofc. Add another router in the equation. But what if we could use the connection in a broader way; tunneling midi/osc/otherdata through the available bandwidth. Would be grand!

    Maybe we should turn this into a feature request?

    Regards Bartjan

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Søren is correct. Although we generally use the term gigaACE for high channel count 96kHz audio connections, there are differences in the protocol implementation depending on device type.

    – dLive MixRack to dLive Surface using built-in gigaACE ports – over 300×300 channels of audio and encapsulated TCP/IP data for A&H control + third party data
    – dLive to dLive using gigaACE cards – 128×128 channels of audio and encapsulated TCP/IP data for A&H control + third party data (with network bridge On)
    – dLive to dLive using gigaACE cards with Gain Sharing active – 128×128 channels of audio and layer 2 preamp control, no TCP/IP data
    – SLink to DX Hub / GX4816 – 128×128 channels of audio and layer 2 preamp control, no TCP/IP data
    – SLink to gigaACE card – 128×128 channels of audio
    – SLink to SLink – 128×128 channels of audio

    Profile photo of BartjanBartjan

    Hi Nicola,

    Thanks for the reply.
    Well that’s too bad. And there ends the story I suppose..

    Would love to know more (from a data perspective) about gigaACE and it’s brothers and sisters. Might there be an abstract I can read? Like there is for i2s for example.

    Regards Bartjan

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Bartjan,

    The DX gigaACE SLink white paper is a recommended read if you’re interested, however it doesn’t go into the specifics of different gigaACE implementations as we didn’t want to confuse users more than necessary 🙂

    Profile photo of BartjanBartjan

    Hello Nicola,

    I’ve already read that one, I’m afraid.

    Was hoping for some more brain challenging material:). If any arise, do let me know!
    Was curious how you implemented the firmware update though the protocol to the different stageboxes.


    Profile photo of Klaus HaulrichKlaus Haulrich

    Hello Nicola,

    Where can I find the DX gigaACE SLink white paper?

    It seems A&H got a new website so all old links are broken.
    Does anyone have a copy of the pdf?


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