Hi! For a theater cue based show I have to trigger the channel mutes on/off via Qlab 3 or 4.5. Either by USB or IP. (previously programmed for X32 with Use of OSC)
Via USB, Qlab detects a 1-SQ-Midi In. automatically as a destination MIDI Patch 1. I try to send a MIDI SysEx message with qlab to this destination.
B0 63 00 B0 62 00 B0 06 00 B0 26 01
F0 B0 63 00 B0 62 00 B0 06 00 B0 26 01 F7
(according to the description in qlab you have to start with a F0 and and with a F7.
This should put the mute on on channel 1.
Or ‘toggle’ mutes. F0 B0 63 00 B0 62 00 B0 60 00 F7
Nothing happens… I think I might oversee something?
Also trough Network cable and DAW control software the connection is successfully made. But no respons from the SQ7.. Tried different messages from the MIDI Protocol manual. (page 11)
Can somebody point me in the right direction? :s