Select follow fader

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD feature suggestions Select follow fader

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  • #35798
    Profile photo of hpsmithhpsmith

    Hi, We have been using the GLD80 in our church for 6 months and something that I miss from our old Behringer DDX3216 is the ability to setup the system to have the selected channel follow the fader movement. Basically every time you move a fader it automatically selects it in the processing section. Would be nice to have this as additional option together with the ‘SEL follows PAFL’ setting in the audio setup section.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    bad idea, had this enabled on my DM-1000 and got confused, so I turned it off.
    If you turn the gain and touch the fader in different channel the selection changes…uahh

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