Scribble Strip Text

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    Profile photo of NickNick

    It would be great to have dynamic text in the scribble strips. Essentially adding more letters to the scribble strip and adjusting the size of text automatically based on the length. I would love to be able to add names to the strips but the text limitation is to short.

    Profile photo of AlecAlec

    Agreed – as a new SQ user, the 6 character limit is unbelievably useless.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    I’m afraid this is not possible for a couple of reasons.
    In software/firmware – the stored data for the name of each channel is 6 characters in size, so adding more characters would require all scene/show/library/MixPad/SQ4You storage to be reworked and these then wouldn’t be compatible across all firmware.
    Regarding hardware – each LCD scribble strip display only has 6 ‘areas’ for characters. If you’ve used the Soft Rotaries on an SQ-6 or SQ-7 you may notice that we have managed to use these screens to show values in a bar, but that this bar is still divided into 6.


    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    IIRC there is no way to change the max. number of letters due to hardware reasons. That is simply the way the mixer is build.
    But with a bit of experimentation, you´ll find short descriptions (especially in conjuntion with colours) for everything you need.


    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    Hmm, the abbreviation of Trumpet has then to be ‘Trp’ because another one would be a complete no go 😉

    Profile photo of Andre SAndre S

    The monitor for the keyboardplayer is usually called: MonKey…

    Let´s find more silly abbreviations!

    Profile photo of Rob TRob T

    Eh, 6 characters is at the upper limits of what can be done with a sharpie on tape for an analog console (although the character set is a bit more limited with the digital scribble strips, and you can’t do a split row of text with half the split spanning multiple channels in the digital world).

    And I’ve always used “Tpt” for trumpet, as being less ambiguous than “Trp” which could be an abbreviation for “trap” as in a trap kit (drum kit).

    Profile photo of RandyBRandyB


    … kinda characteristic of the way this firmware painted them into a corner on this feature. 😉

    I still love my SQ-7!!!

    Profile photo of AsherNAsherN

    It’s not just the firmware. It’s the hardware. Each label is not a true LCD like a monitor. It’s a backlit display with 6 boxes of black dots. That’s why you can’t change the text colour, where white texh on a darker background would be neat.

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    It’s not just the firmware. It’s the hardware.

    Scrolling would be possible, if it weren’t for the firmware character limitation.

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