Screen Assignment

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  • #65087
    Profile photo of SoundspecSoundspec


    Have been working with the Dlive S3000 all summer. and just recently got me a C3500 as well.

    Some small diffence with the 2 desks. i love to have 2 screens at the C3500, but i would like
    to have some assignment funtions, for what the screens are showing, for exammple would it be nice
    to use the right screen for FX, so when i sellect the fx i doesn’t pop up at my Left screen.

    A suggestion could be if you link the screen for the fader bank. i usely use right fader bank
    for FX, Groups, LR, Mix amd so on, and the left for Channel inputs.

    Profile photo of aisle-6aisle-6

    Yes, I agree.

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