
Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu troubleshooting scenes

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  • #48333
    Profile photo of ScarecrowScarecrow

    Why cant I import scenes from qu16 into qu24??

    Profile photo of AndreasAndreas

    This is expected to work, not sure what’s your exact problem (not enough information).
    You may also check out these threads: Moving scenes Qu-24 to Qu-16 and Transferring scenes from Qu16 to Qu-Pac.

    Profile photo of ScarecrowScarecrow

    Sorry should have explained better.
    I put my stick with saved scenes on it from the qu16 into the qu24, they come up on the screen but when I press the arrow to copy to the desk nothing happens. The arrow stays grey.
    Any suggestions?

    Profile photo of DavidCoDavidCo

    Hi Scarecrow,

    You need to specify both the source scene on the USB stick and the destination scene slot. The “< to Qu” button should then become active.


    Profile photo of ScarecrowScarecrow

    Thanks DC
    That worked… Now I feel like a proper twit!!!

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