scene update issueameters

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  • #55056
    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Ok so I have a stack of scenes on a theatre show and I need to update a mix ie stereo aux 8 with a new keyboard level in that send only.
    I have made the change to the console. saved that scene. then gone to update and selected on inputs, that it update levels. selected scene 7 to 83 and pressed update.
    it said it was updating.
    but when i run through the scenes. they have all reverted to existing level.
    no changes.
    i have tried several times to do this.
    other parameters i have attempted have worked. like channel fader, but not this

    anyone have any reason why or am i doing this wrong

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    OK so I have worked this out, it is like a matrix, you have to select it like a matrix.
    to and from etc.
    so in inputs and also in mix.

    What is getting me is the FX
    I update an fx send on a channel, and I can not work out where to update 80 scenes.
    the usual i thought.
    select the channel,
    select the FX tab and select level.
    and update.
    but nothing changes.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Davo,

    Well done for figuring this out. We introduced the ‘matrix’ selection as you call it in V1.10 after several engineers requested a way of updating a single crosspoint, e.g. Input 1 send to Aux 2. So if you select only the Routing item of an Input, nothing happens. You also have to select the Routing item of the required outputs.

    The same should work for the FX e.g. to update, select Routing on the desired Input, and Routing on the desired FX Send.
    You mentioned the Level item. Note that Level would only update the channel master level.

    Hope this helps.

    Profile photo of DavoDavo

    Thanks Nicola.
    yes a matrix route is great.
    I still have not been able to get the fx route to update though.
    yes i was selecting levels. as assuming that the rotary on a channel strip in the widget area for fx1 would be a level.
    is this not the case?

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